Appointment Based Tutoring
We offer both in-person and online appointments during the following hours:
- Monday-Thursday 9:00am- 8:00p
- Friday 9:00am-2:00pm
- Sunday 3:00-7:00pm
Dates of Operation
Tutoring opens January 21st.
- Days of operation: Tuesday, January 21 - Friday, May 2
- Finals week operation: Sunday, May 4 - Wednesday, May 7
- CLOSED: March 9 - March 16, and April 20
No appointment is needed for the following services:
Walk-In for an On-the-Spot Appointment
- You are welcome to stop by 1145 or 1155 Brown-Kopel Monday-Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm and Friday 9:00am-2:00pm
- Our front desk can look for a last minute opening in the tutoring schedule for you
- If a tutor is available in the class you need help with, we will give you an appointment on the spot!
Drop-In Tutoring
We are offering Drop-in Tutoring for the following courses on Sundays:
- Calculus I 3-5pm in Brown-Kopel Suite 1163
- Calculus II 3-5pm in Brown Kopel Suite 1139D
- Physics I 5-7pm in Brown-Kopel Suite 1163
- Diff EQ 5-7pm in Brown-Kopel Suite 1139D
Feel free to stop by for homework help, quick questions, or to improve your understanding of coursework!
You may stay for the full 2 hours or just pop-in as needed.
This is a free service and no appointment is required!
Questions about Engineering Student Tutoring may be sent to